4- Q & A with Live Audience

Q & A With Live Audience:

  • How do we rise above our genes and unlearn what does not serve our Soul?

To Truly influence your cells, you must first get comfortable with the fact that you are first and foremost, an energy pattern. The body must become secondary, and not be thought of as “solid.” With this awareness, you can begin to influence the cells of your body, through a decision to acknowledging that you are energy. Then, begin to develop a channel of communication with your Creator, to access the Source of Life that you are. Your job is to remove the blocks/barriers that you have made, through learned beliefs, that prevent you from experiencing your wholeness, vibrancy and wellness The Creator intended for us to enjoy.

We have the power to undo all of our suffering.

Healing happens at the level of Consciousness.

  • How does one know if we have healthy, Spirit induced, or unhealthy, ego induced, fear?

There is no such thing as Spirit induced fear. Fear is learned because it is about protection of the body—survival—due to the belief in separation.

Fear should only be used for the purpose of gaining a clear understanding of what you have learned that has you disconnected from the Truth of who you are, which is the Real you.

What is real is Love, which is constantly creating more to love.

We are waking up to the connection between us, and are becoming more sensitive to the Soul Essence that exists within each of us.

  • How do we eliminate the ego?

Through questioning & listening. Questioning the ego, and listening for the Creator within.

To awaken you must be willing to be wrong about everything you have learned, which forms the ego.

You will know you have heard The Creator when the message you hear is that you are to love your fellow man, no matter what. Because we are all one energy, loving each other is how we love The Creator.

The final fear we all encounter is the fear of God/Creator.


I have included a journal so you can record your thoughts, feelings and experiences throughout the course. You can view the journal at the end of each lesson and use your own notebook to write out your answers. You can also choose to download the PDF to print and complete using your favorite pen or you can save it to your computer and fill in each section as you go electronically.

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